Sudhindra Venkatesha, The Design Thinking Association Melbourne Chapter Leader

Sudhindra Venkatesha

Sudhindra Venkatesha says that Digital is his canvas. Empathy is his brush. Sudhindra Venkatesha paints positive experiences for people.

As an Experience Strategist, he help craft visions for partners to see their worlds in action.

As a Design Leader, he designs environments conducive to creating meaningful design that connects with people.

Sudhindra Venkatesha creates order from chaos through design. 

Sudhindra Venkatesha is the Chief Design Officer at IBM Interactive Experience in Bengaluru, India. He has also worked for QGLUE, the Institute for Design Led Entrepreneurship, Sapient, design.unbounded, HFi and Emirates Airlines.

Connect with Sudhindra Venkatesha on LinkedIn.