Andrzej Karel, The Design Thinking Association Warsaw chapter leader

Andrzej Karel

Andrzej Karel has been using remote workshop tools since 2017. In case you need to facilitate a remote meeting or conduct remote user research, just let me know.

"Hi, my name is Andrzej Karel (simplified pronunciation 'ahn-jay'. ) Do you need to pivot or adapt your product or business model to the current market changes, run a (remote) workshop or a sprint, understand your users or test your products ?

Just drop me a line or let's meet for a (virtual) coffee. Andrzej Karel collaborates with agencies, startups and corporate labs, mainly in Berlin and Poland.

Some facts about Andrzej Karel:
- worked with such organizations as Deutsche Telekom, Nike, Knauf, Danfoss, PKO BP, Klöckner & Co, UCANDO and ESCP Berlin,
- Co-authored „Service Design po polsku”, a 2018 book published by Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
- Developed own workshop tool called Creative Clues.

Have a creative day,
Andrzej Karel

Connect with Andrzej Karel on LinkedIn.