Traits of the Next Generation of Lawyers; Why Design Thinking Matters

Let’s be honest, a lot of people don’t trust lawyers.  A lot.

Some believe this is because lawyers speak and write in ways that are calculated and self-serving. But the world is changing and lawyers need new skills to adapt to the current consumer-driven market. This perceived lack of trust between lawyers and clients could be reduced through empathy.

How to Create a Corporate Culture for Design Thinking to Thrive

In our recent design thinking survey, one of the most difficult things respondents found about design thinking was integrating it into their corporations. When not supported from the CEO on down, design thinking is unlikely to create real change for a corporation and this manifests itself in many ways as we saw from the survey.

Why Group Brainstorming is a Waste of Time

Even though brainstorming groups don’t generate more or better ideas (research proves this), brainstorming is arguably more democratic than the alternatives, so it can enhance buy-in and subsequent implementation of the ideas generated, regardless of the quality of those ideas.

Why do you brainstorm and what do you expect its role is in your project?

Integrating Design Thinking into your organization

In a recent Design Thinking Association survey, we discovered that implementing and integrating Design Thinking into the organization is considered the most difficult part of the Design Thinking process. There are literally millions of articles written on Design Thinking, but very few that address the challenge of implementing Design Thinking into existing business processes.

Design Thinking: A Useful Myth

A powerful myth has arisen upon the land, a myth that permeates business, academia, and government. It is pervasive and persuasive. But although it is relatively harmless, it is false. The myth? That designers possess some mystical, creative thought process that places them above all others in their skills at creative, groundbreaking thought.

5 Design Thinking Project Examples for Students

There are not that many Design Thinking project examples for students on the web. Most design thinking project examples are aimed at working professionals i.e. engineers, marketing, business people, and are not really great project examples for K-12 and college students to grasp how the process works. Nor is it easy to understand how they apply to your particular problem or passion.

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